Shareholder Deed

Shareholder Deed

Are you starting a new business with a partner? Embarking upon a Joint venture? Coming in as a Passive investor and require an agreement? Perhaps your current business is expanding and new shareholders are being brought on board?

Why do I need a Shareholder Deed ?

Creating a Shareholder Deed that covers you for the many eventualities that may arise is something GJA Law specialises in. Our experience will help shield you from most events.

- Death of a business partner
- Serious accident of a key personal
- Significant dispute within the business
- Marriage breakdown of a business partner and impact upon shared assets
- Treatment/procedure for deadlock situations
- Procedures to enable major financial decisions
- Loans to and from the business
- Valuation in the event of a partner leaving
- Procedure for significant business decisions
- Selling of shares

Protect your assets

A Shareholder Deed protects you, your family, the business and your partner(s). They enable the easy resolution of most events. The savings to you in terms of money, time and emotional response can be enormous.

For example, perhaps a partner dies and the surviving partner then has to contend with family members without the skills or ambitions to drive the business forward. Perhaps the partnership dissolves into acrimony and decisions are unable to be made. Perhaps one partner starts making decisions that are not in the best interests of all. Protect your assets, your time, and your reputation with a Shareholder Deed or Agreement from GJA Law.

Benefits of a Shareholder Deed

- Continued smooth operation of the business
- Savings in time and litigation cost
- Procedures are better than guessing
- Everyone knows where they stand
- We have the experience to protect you

At GJA Law we have seen many circumstances where the lack of a shareholder agreement or deed has led to expensive court cases and awkward outcomes. A simple document could have saved much heartache down the track.

We have the experience to ensure all parties in the venture are properly catered for. A shareholder deed or agreement from GJA Law:

Sets out rules for the company’s operation, the funding, structure, management and direction of the business
The rights and obligations of each shareholder
Sets out a process for the orderly sale or transfer of shares should something like serious dispute, death, accident or criminal behaviour happen
Peace of mind with our help

At GJA Law we understand all of the events that can occur and our Deeds provide a process for equitable resolution. It’s peace of mind for any existing or new venture and is agreed upon with goodwill on both sides.

You can protect the assets and energy you put into a business with a properly constructed, personalized Shareholder Deed from GJA Law.

Arrange a consultation

Contact us for more information or to arrange an appointment with an experienced solicitor.

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